I am in struggle with FPDF. When I am looping over a dataframe and I want to put in the data in the page of a PDF file; but when FPDF adds a new page would be happen:
I shows what happens below:
PAGE 1: val 1, val 2, val 3, val 4, val 5, val 6
PAGE 2: val 7,
PAGE 3: val 8,
PAGE 4: val 9,
Here is my code:
pdf = PDF('L', 'mm', 'A4')
pdf.output('tuto2.pdf', 'F')
and this is my PDF
Class which is a child of FPDF
class PDF(FPDF):
def header(self):
self.set_font('Arial', 'B', 30)
self.cell(0,30,"HALLO PDF",0,0,"C")
def footer(self):
self.set_font('Arial', 'I', 8)
self.cell(0,10,"Seite " + str(self.page_no()) + "/{nb}",0,0,"C",0,"")
self.cell(0,10,"Dokument erzeugt am XXXX",0,0,"C",0,"")
def content(self,df):
for i in range(len(df)):
self.cell(40, 15, df['LGP'].iloc[i], 1, ln=0, align='C')
self.cell(40, 15, df['ZEIT'].iloc[i], 1, ln=1, align='C')
What is the problem in my code?
And maybe another one can answer me a quick question: Can I get the size of the body (like: pagesize - header - footer)?
The problem starts at the end of the first page when the value of y
is high (may be y
value is 180
mm). At this point your code executed the instructions:
self.cell(40, 15, df['LGP'].iloc[i], 1, ln=0, align='C')
self.cell(40, 15, df['ZEIT'].iloc[i], 1, ln=1, align='C')
and inserts the last row in the first page. After that the library creates a new page and it is ready to place the next row at the start of this new page.
At this point are executed the following 2 instructions:
# here y value is 'high' (180 mm)
y = y + 15
# the value of y now is 195
The instruction self.set_y(y)
places the code at the start of the second page.
Now is inserted a new row, but y
is equal to 195
and it is yet increased by 15
. So when is executed the instruction self.set_y(210)
the library creates the third page.
To avoid this you have to check the value of self.get_y()
that is the current position in the page. On the other hand, y
save the Y position in the page before the insertion of the last line of the text.
If the current position becomes <=
of the value of y
means that the PyFPDF library has automatically added a new page and it has set the Y position at the top of the new page.
In this case the value of y
must not increase but it must be set equal to the current_position.
methodOne possible solution is modify your content()
function as followed:
def content(self,df):
for i in range(len(df)):
self.cell(40, 15, df['LGP'].iloc[i], 1, ln=0, align='C')
self.cell(40, 15, df['ZEIT'].iloc[i], 1, ln=1, align='C')
curr_y = self.get_y()
if curr_y > y:
# here we are in the of the page
y = y + 15
# here the library adds a new page so curr_y has a low value
y = curr_y