
Meilisearch or Eloquent queries?

I write api and use Laravel Scout + Meilisearch on my project. Everything is working. But I have some doubts about whether I am using meilisearch correctly. I would appreciate any help.

I know that it is possible to access meilisearch via localhost::7700 using Meilisearch\Client, as well as through the search method provided by the Searchable trait. In case I access it via the search method, like this:

$this->query = User::search($query, function ($meili_search, string $query, array $options) use ($request, $sort_field, $sort_direction) {
   $options['offset'] = PaginatorHelper::offset($request->page ?? 1, $request->per_page);
   $options['limit'] = intval($request->per_page);
   $options['sort'] = [$sort_field .':' . $sort_direction];

   return $meili_search->search($query, $options);


I see Eloquent queries in the telescope like:

select * from in (1, 2, 3)

But I don't understand why I see Eloquent queries if I request data via meilisearch? As if queries go to both meilisearch and mysql.

I expect data to be requested from meilisearch directly, bypassing Eloquent and the current behavior is confusing me.


  • Yes, you are using it correctly. When you use get(), first it gets ids from Meilisearch database and then call a query to the datable using whereIn.

    You can take a look, this is code of get method

     * Get the results of the search.
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
    public function get()
        return $this->engine()->get($this);

    It calls the get method of engine, in this case, MeilisearchEngine. MeilisearchEngine extends Engine.

     * Get the results of the given query mapped onto models.
     * @param  \Laravel\Scout\Builder  $builder
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
    public function get(Builder $builder)
        return $this->map(
            $builder, $this->search($builder), $builder->model

    Within the map method, it calls getScoutModelsByIds method

     * Map the given results to instances of the given model.
     * @param  \Laravel\Scout\Builder  $builder
     * @param  mixed  $results
     * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model  $model
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
    public function map(Builder $builder, $results, $model)
        if (is_null($results) || 0 === count($results['hits'])) {
            return $model->newCollection();
        $objectIds = collect($results['hits'])->pluck($model->getScoutKeyName())->values()->all();
        $objectIdPositions = array_flip($objectIds);
        return $model->getScoutModelsByIds(
            $builder, $objectIds
        )->filter(function ($model) use ($objectIds) {
            return in_array($model->getScoutKey(), $objectIds);
        })->sortBy(function ($model) use ($objectIdPositions) {
            return $objectIdPositions[$model->getScoutKey()];

    Within getScoutModelsByIds, it calls getScoutModelsByIds:

     * Get the requested models from an array of object IDs.
     * @param  \Laravel\Scout\Builder  $builder
     * @param  array  $ids
     * @return mixed
    public function getScoutModelsByIds(Builder $builder, array $ids)
        return $this->queryScoutModelsByIds($builder, $ids)->get();

    And then, queryScoutModelsByIds builds query using whereIn:

     * Get a query builder for retrieving the requested models from an array of object IDs.
     * @param  \Laravel\Scout\Builder  $builder
     * @param  array  $ids
     * @return mixed
    public function queryScoutModelsByIds(Builder $builder, array $ids)
        $query = static::usesSoftDelete()
            ? $this->withTrashed() : $this->newQuery();
        if ($builder->queryCallback) {
            call_user_func($builder->queryCallback, $query);
        $whereIn = in_array($this->getKeyType(), ['int', 'integer']) ?
            'whereIntegerInRaw' :
        return $query->{$whereIn}(
            $this->qualifyColumn($this->getScoutKeyName()), $ids

    To get raw results just from Meilisearch, you can use raw method:
