I have PHP 8.2.4 installed on my Windows machine and I would like to enable the YAML extension. The instructions that I have followed in the past are to download the the Windows DLL from the PECL YAML site: https://pecl.php.net/package/yaml
However, the site (at this point in time) doesn't have a built DLL for PHP 8.2.
I tried following the steps provided in the following document but it wasn't generating the correct DLL: https://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild
When I tried copying the DLL into the php extensions folder and enabling it in the php.ini, it gives an error for that extension.
Here's what I did to compile a compatible version using the following site as a guide: https://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild_sdk_2#building_pecl_extensions_with_phpize
set PATH=D:\php-8.2.4;D:\build\php-8.2.4-devel-vs16-x64;%PATH%
configure --with-yaml --with-php-build=..\libyaml
The yaml dll file will be located in the subdirectory, x64\Release as php_yaml.dll