
Cache errors using Spotify API in Python program

I am running into a problem with my Python script. The code executes, but after it displays a caching error:

Couldn't read cache at: .cache
Couldn't write token to cache at: .cache
Couldn't read cache at: .cache
Couldn't write token to cache at: .cache
Couldn't read cache at: .cache
Couldn't write token to cache at: .cache
Couldn't read cache at: .cache
Couldn't write token to cache at: .cache
Couldn't read cache at: .cache
Couldn't write token to cache at: .cache

I am using Spotify to return songs in a playlist. Then I'm checking that playlist for bad words to filter out songs that can't be played for kids.

Here is the code I'm using:

import spotipy
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials

spotify_id = "ABC123"
spotify_secret = "456789"

oldies = "738hgt"
kids = "201hgj"
country = "099sdt"

spotify_playlist = country

import lyricsgenius

genius_token = "123456789&ABCEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
genius = lyricsgenius.Genius(genius_token)
genius.verbose = False
genius.timeout = 100

word_listing = ["bad", "words", "go", "here"]

credentials = SpotifyClientCredentials(client_id=spotify_id, client_secret=spotify_secret)
validate = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=credentials)

songs = []

limit = 100

offset = 0

playlist = validate.playlist_tracks(spotify_playlist, limit=limit, offset=offset)

while True:
    playlist = validate.playlist_tracks(spotify_playlist, limit=limit, offset=offset)

    if not len(playlist['items']):
    for items in playlist['items']:
        info = {'artist': items['track']['artists'][0]['name'], 'title': items['track']['name']}

    offset += limit

print("Checking playlist...")

for song in songs:
    print(f"    Checking \"{song['title']}\" by: {song['artist']}")
    term = genius.search_song(title=song['title'], artist=song['artist'])

    for words in word_listing:
            if len(term.lyrics) > 10000:
            if words in term.lyrics.lower():
                print(f"      *Found \"{words}\" in \"{song['title']}\" by: {song['artist']}")
        except AttributeError:
            print(f"        *Unable to find lyrics for: \"{song['title']}\" by: {song['artist']}")
            print(f"    *Unable to connect to service, moving on...")

I have replaced all my variable values for this example. I have been told this is an issue with Spotify's API; it's just a warning that can be ignored.

I have also been told it's a permissions issue, where Spotify wants to write to a cache directory and it doesn't have the right permissions to do so.

I'm really not sure what's causing this issue. The error appears at the beginning of the script, and then after it shows, the rest of the script runs successfully.

Is there something in one of my arguments or statements that's causing this?


  • I think it is a permission problem, to fix that you can create a cache directory then set the appropriate permission, here is how you could do it:

    import os
    cache_dir = '.cache'
    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
    os.chmod(cache_dir, 0o700)

    Just place this script at the begining of your code before you create the SpotifyClientCredentials object.