I am trying to swap WETH for USDC using SushiSwap Router with Polygon. This is my current code:
import web3
from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware
import time
def swap(node, account_address, pvt_key, contract_address, contract_abi, action_type):
#imagine we are trade on weth-usdc
weth_addr = '0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619'
usdc_addr = '0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174'
#connect to polygon node
w3 = web3.Web3(web3.Web3.HTTPProvider(node))
w3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0)
contract_addr = web3.Web3.toChecksumAddress(contract_address.lower())
contract = w3.eth.contract(contract_addr, abi=contract_abi)
gasPrice = w3.toWei(30, 'gwei')
amount_in = 0.001
amount_out_min = 0.00001
path = [weth_addr, usdc_addr]
deadline = int(time.time()+1000)
build_txn = contract.functions.swapExactTokensForTokens(amount_in, amount_out_min, [weth_addr, usdc_addr], account_address, deadline).buildTransaction({'chainId': 137,'gas': int(300000),'gasPrice': gasPrice,'nonce': w3.eth.get_transaction_count(account_address),"value": 0,})
#we are acting on polygon blockchain
node = 'https://polygon-rpc.com'
account_from = {
'private_key': 'XXX',
'address': 'XXX'
contract_address = '0x1b02da8cb0d097eb8d57a175b88c7d8b47997506'
contract_abi = ''''''
#actions available are two: buy or swap. buy=1, sell=0.
action = 0
#call function
swap(node, account_from['address'], account_from['private_key'], contract_address, contract_abi, action)
I think that everything is fine, but when trying to build the tnx i got this error:
Found 1 function(s) with the name `swapExactTokensForTokens`: ['swapExactTokensForTokens(uint256,uint256,address[],address,uint256)']
Function invocation failed due to no matching argument types.
Does somebody know why? Thanks
The function swapExactTokensForTokens
(and similar functions) expect all parameters passed as integers. One reason for this is that Solidity does not have floating point numbers. Further, the amounts should be converted from the human-readable format to internal representation (wei for ETH, decimal units for other tokens).
One way to do it is by adding these lines before the swapExactTokensForTokens
amount_in = int(amount_in * (10**token_in_decimals))
amount_out_min = int(amount_out_min * (10**token_out_decimals))
In the example, token_in_decimals
should be set to 18 (for WETH) and token_out_decimals
to 6 (for USDC).