
Rails 5 to Rails 6 upgrade breaks partial rendering

I'm upgrading an app from rails 5.2 to 6.1.7, as well as upgrading ruby from 2.6.10 to 3.0.5. Now all of the <%= render "partial_name" %> blocks in the erb view files are broken and throwing the error undefined method safe_append= for {:add_to_stack=>true}:Hash with the hint: safe_append= is being called on a add_to_stack object, which might not be the type of object you were expecting. This appears to be a deprecated ActionView::StreamingBuffer method. I did ensure that actionview has also been updated to 6.1.7, and I'm also not seeing any streaming buffer breaking changes in Rails 6 or 6.1. I don't see any related issues online anywhere. Anyone know what could be causing this?


  • To officially answer my own question, this seems to have been too large of an upgrade to undertake. I broke this task up into smaller pieces and first upgraded to ruby 2.7.7 and rails and was able to get things going.