There is a WYSIWYG editor called "suneditor". I want to install a custom button on it and insert the HTML "<p>welcome!</p>
" at the cursor's position when the button is pressed. I have tried various methods, but I have not been able to do it successfully. How should I configure it?
I was able to add a div and a class using the following code.
var plugin_command = {
name: 'customCommand',
display: 'command',
title: 'test',
buttonClass: '',
innerHTML: '<i class="fas fa-carrot"></i>',
add: function(core, targetElement) {
const context = core.context;
const rangeTag = core.util.createElement('div');
core.util.addClass(rangeTag, '__se__format__range_custom');
context.customCommand = {
targetButton: targetElement,
tag: rangeTag
active: function(element) {
if (!element) {
this.util.removeClass(this.context.customCommand.targetButton, 'active');
} else if (this.util.hasClass(element, '__se__format__range_custom')) {
this.util.addClass(this.context.customCommand.targetButton, 'active');
return true;
return false;
action: function() {
const rangeTag = this.util.getRangeFormatElement(this.getSelectionNode());
if (this.util.hasClass(rangeTag, '__se__format__range_custom')) {
this.detachRangeFormatElement(rangeTag, null, null, false, false);
} else {
Thank you in advance.
Use "insertNode" to insert, and "nodeChange" to change the style of the selected text.
const tag = this.util.createElement("p");
tag.textContent = "abcde";
// insert at the current cursor position
this.insertNode(tag, null, true);