
what are the permissions required to assign a resource monitor to a warehouse?

I have SYSADMIN role on a Snowflake account which does not allow me to create warehouses or Resource Monitors. Someone with ACCOUNTADMIN created a couple of warehouses and resource monitors for me. He granted SYSADMIN ownership on both warehouses and resource monitors.

Yet, if I try to assign a resource monitor to a warehouse


I get the following error msg

enter image description here

Again, SYSADMIN owns both objects...

Any idea?

The documentation says that only ACCOUNTADMIN can create RESOURCE MONITORs... but does that also apply to assigning a Warehouse to a RESOURCE MONITOR?

enter image description here

I can modify the RESOURCE MONITORs but I can't assigna warehouse to it...


  • Assigning Warehouses to a Resource Monitor

    Warehouses can be assigned to an existing resource monitor through either the web interface or SQL.

    Only account administrators (users with the ACCOUNTADMIN role) can assign warehouses to resource monitors. This role must also have the MODIFY privilege on each warehouse.