I have used the fullcalendar plugin on my nuxt 3 projects and I need to set events on the calendar but my events are coming from API so I have taken on const upcomingEventData = ref([])
const and after API response I am updating the variable with events return by API but it is not reflecting on the calendar.
<FullCalendar :options="calendarOptions">
<template v-slot:eventContent="arg">
<el-tag :type="arg.event.extendedProps.type" size="large">
const upcomingEventData = ref([]);
const calendarOptions = {
initialView: "dayGridMonth",
dateClick: handleDateClick(),
dayHeaderContent: function (arg) {
return arg.text.toUpperCase();
events: upcomingEventData.value,
eventColor: "#FFFFFF",
eventChange: function (arg) {
console.log('Data--> ' , arg);
headerToolbar: {
start: "today prev,next",
center: "title",
end: "dayGridMonth,dayGridWeek,dayGridDay",
buttonText: {
today: "Today",
month: "Month",
week: "Week",
day: "Day",
list: "List",
buttonIcons: {
prev: "chevron-left",
next: "chevron-right",
prevYear: "chevrons-left", // double chevron
nextYear: "chevrons-right", // double chevron
const getEventData = async () => {
const { data, error } = await useGetQuery("event/get");
if (error.value) {
if (data.value) {
let response = data.value.data;
upcomingEventData.value = [];
response.data.forEach((element, index) => {
upcomingEventData.value[index] = {
title: element.eventTitle,
date: formatDate(new Date(element.eventDate), "YYYY-MM-DD"),
type: "success",
onMounted(() => {
I think I need to refresh the calendar again once upcomingEventData
constant is update. Kindly please help me and ask if any more details is required.
Thanks in advance
I have fixed this issue using vue computed property. I have just wrapped the calendarOptions constant with the computed const calendarOptions = computed(() => { ... }
const calendarOptions = computed(() => {
return {
initialView: "dayGridMonth",
dateClick: handleDateClick(),
events: upcomingEventData.value,
eventColor: "#FFFFFF",
eventChange: function (arg) {},
headerToolbar: {
start: "today prev,next",
center: "title",
end: "dayGridMonth,dayGridWeek,dayGridDay",
buttonText: {
today: "Today",
month: "Month",
week: "Week",
day: "Day",
list: "List",
buttonIcons: {
prev: "chevron-left",
next: "chevron-right",
prevYear: "chevrons-left", // double chevron
nextYear: "chevrons-right", // double chevron