
What do the abbreviations for the BOF and EOF properties mean (stand for) in MS Access VBA code?

End-of/Beginning-of file/field? I understand what these properties are used for but want to confirm what the letters stand for. Tried looking up but everyone, including Microsoft, is explaining what the functions do but no one has spelled out the name.


  • the term "EOF" was actually quite common in our industry at one time.

    think of punched cards, or even reading a file. You are done when you "reach end of file".

    However, context here matters. We are not reading a file, but in context of a data table? Well, the term is still used.

    Given that ms-access is more then 25 years old (a quarter of a century), then common terms back then in our industry are not all that common today.

    So, then this:

    Sub FunTest22()
        Dim rstHotels       As DAO.Recordset
        Dim strSQL          As String
        strSQL = "SELECT ID, HotelName FROM tblHotelsA ORDER BY HotelName"
        Set rstHotels = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
        Do While rstHotels.EOF = False
            Debug.Print "id = " & rstHotels!ID, "Hotel Name = " & rstHotels!HotelName
            rstHotels.MoveNext    ' move to next row in record set
    End Sub

    output in immediate window:

    id = 78       Hotel Name = Athabasca Hotel
    id = 73       Hotel Name = Banff Aspen Lodge
    id = 95       Hotel Name = Best Western
    id = 349      Hotel Name = Four Seasons Motor
    id = 9        Hotel Name = Four Seasons Motor
    id = 10       Hotel Name = Heritage Inn of the South
    id = 68       Hotel Name = Holiday Inn Express

    So, the typical "use" of EOF (end of file) is as per above.