Is it possible to remove specific items from Parquet and NoSQL Targets in MLRun? I did not find relevant methods and I checked FeatureStore, ParquetTarget and NoSQLTarget.
I only saw ability to remove whole featureset from metastore (from DB) without touch of specific data items see:
mlrun.feature_store.delete_feature_set(name, project='', tag=None, uid=None, force=False)
But it is not my case, I have to remove only specific data items (not information from metastore). Thanks for help.
BTW: I am using MLRun version 1.2.1
I did not see relevant method in MLRun 1.2.1, but you can use a few work-arounds.
1. About ParquetTarget
) on file system specific year and practically you delete requested content.2. About NoSqlTarget
).3. About RedisTarget
command lines:
DEL user
redis-cli KEYS "user*" | xargs redis-cli DEL
code in python:
import redis
r = redis.Redis()