
QPointer in multi-threaded programs

According to, QPointer is very useful. But I found it could be inefficient in the following context:

If I want to show label for three times or do something else, I have to use

if(label) label->show1(); if(label) label->show2(); if(label) label->show3();

instead of if(label) { label->show1();label->show2();label->show3(); }

just because label might be destroyed in another thread after label->show1(); or label->show2();.

Is there a beautiful way other than three ifs to get the same functionality?

Another question is, when label is destroyed after if(label), is if(label) label->show1(); still wrong?

I don't have experience in multi-threaded programs. Any help is appreciated. ;)


  • I think the only safe way to do it is to make sure you only access your QWidgets from within the main/GUI thread (that is, the thread that is running Qt's event loop, inside QApplication::exec()).

    If you have code that is running within a different thread, and that code wants the QLabels to be shown/hidden/whatever, then that code needs to create a QEvent object (or a subclass thereof) and call qApp->postEvent() to send that object to the main thread. Then when the Qt event loop picks up and handles that QEvent in the main thread, that is the point at which your code can safely do things to the QLabels.

    Alternatively (and perhaps more simply), your thread's code could emit a cross-thread signal (as described here) and let Qt handle the event-posting internally. That might be better for your purpose.