I am attempting to fit a differential equation model by minimizing least squares, where three of the four parameters to be optimized over can't fall below zero. Other than that restriction, I would prefer not apply any further constraints.
Here is the data, model and helper functions:
# Data
y.data <- data.frame(P = c(57537.4049311277, 58610.5565091595, 59380.7326528789, 59831.1412677501, 59956.9401326381, 59770.9438648549, 59339.7636243282, 58743.8966682831, 58062.6867570216, 57372.6802888231, 56729.6957034719, 56118.5748350006, 55507.8890166606, 54867.5694355373, 54168.9851576162, 53385.1758149806, 52500.082193378, 51534.2686505716, 50516.106686327),
SSL = c(5918.49121715316, 6223.93819671156, 6522.34271426757, 6817.47760344158, 7115.49425740418, 7423.50644959141, 7748.62985898112, 8097.51802623853, 8472.32658437055, 8872.9327092582, 9294.62369710465, 9730.87922007949, 10175.6848086032, 10623.7661461289, 11075.7535333951, 11538.2076285642, 12018.4500914707, 12518.681172246, 13039.7328357312),
S = c(61.8032786885246, 69.8469945355191, 71.1475409836066, 75.0163934426229, 65.6393442622951, 63.7049180327869, 60.0437158469945, 67.9344262295082, 66.5573770491803, 67.0327868852459, 57.6010928961749, 43.7158469945355, 57.224043715847, 65.1366120218579, 49.2131147540984, 30.7158469945355, 34.3715846994535, 12.3661202185792, 27.4972677595628))
# Initial state conditions
y0 <- c(P=y.data[1,]$P, SSL=y.data[1,]$SSL, S=y.data[1,]$S)
# Initial free parameter values
a <- 0.00075
b <- 0.004464286
rs <- 0.01
ks <- 100
p0 <- c(a=a,b=b,rs=rs,ks=ks)
# Series along which to integrate
t <- 0:18
l <- length(t)
# Differential equation model
LVfn_dc <- function(time, y, param) {
P = y[1]
SSL = y[2]
S = y[3]
with(as.list(param), {
dPdt <- ((-0.4101*4)*time^3) + ((18.058*3)*time^2) - ((297.9*2)*time) + 1511.2
dSSLdt <- ((7.2468*2)*time) + 265.67
dSdt <- (rs*S)*((ks-S-(a*P)-(b*SSL))/ks)
# Function to solve differential equation
sde <- function(param, time, f, y) {
sol <- deSolve::ode(y = y,
times = time,
func = f,
parms = param,
method = "rk4",
rtol = 1e-15, atol = 1e-15, maxsteps = 1e9)
# Least squares function for optimization using FME::modFit
LS_modFit <- function(param, time, falala, y, y.values){
# call sde function to compute y.theta(t) after initializing
y.theta.all <- c()
y.theta <- c()
call.sde <- sde(param,time,falala,y)
y.theta.all <- call.sde[,-1] # disregard t column
# only keep y.theta(t.i) values for each data point t.i
for(i in 1:length(time)){
if(time[i]%%1 == 0){
y.theta <- rbind(y.theta,y.theta.all[i,])
error <- sum((y.values - y.theta)^2)
I have tried using both FME::modFit and stats::optim, only bounding the lower limits of the constrained parameters, but this produces "non-finite finite-difference value" error messages.
# Optimizing with limited lower bounds
fit <- FME::modFit(f = LS_modFit, p = p0,
time=t, falala=LVfn_dc, y=y0, y.values=y.data,
upper=c(Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf), lower=c(0,0,-Inf,1),
method = "L-BFGS-B")
When I use non-infinite, but generous upper and lower bounds for all four parameters (that don't produce infinite values when run with the sde
function), I still receive non-finite type errors.
# Optimizing with upper and lower bounds for all parameters
fit <- FME::modFit(f = LS_modFit, p = p0,
time=t, falala=LVfn_dc, y=y0, y.values=y.data,
upper=c(0.02,0.02,1,400), lower=c(0,0,-2,65),
method = "L-BFGS-B")
Any insight as to where I'm going wrong?
Not all optimizers support constraints natively, so FME uses a transformation for others. I see two different ways to get it work:
or bobyqa
.I modified also the following:
and added time
as an independent variable to y.data
. Note that it is important to define a weighting method if the state variables have different scalesrk4
by lsoda
and rtol
as it makes the simulation slow and does not help much, because the optimizers have their own tolerances.library(deSolve)
# Data
y.data <- data.frame(
time = 0:18,
P = c(57537.4049311277, 58610.5565091595, 59380.7326528789, 59831.1412677501, 59956.9401326381, 59770.9438648549, 59339.7636243282, 58743.8966682831, 58062.6867570216, 57372.6802888231, 56729.6957034719, 56118.5748350006, 55507.8890166606, 54867.5694355373, 54168.9851576162, 53385.1758149806, 52500.082193378, 51534.2686505716, 50516.106686327),
SSL = c(5918.49121715316, 6223.93819671156, 6522.34271426757, 6817.47760344158, 7115.49425740418, 7423.50644959141, 7748.62985898112, 8097.51802623853, 8472.32658437055, 8872.9327092582, 9294.62369710465, 9730.87922007949, 10175.6848086032, 10623.7661461289, 11075.7535333951, 11538.2076285642, 12018.4500914707, 12518.681172246, 13039.7328357312),
S = c(61.8032786885246, 69.8469945355191, 71.1475409836066, 75.0163934426229, 65.6393442622951, 63.7049180327869, 60.0437158469945, 67.9344262295082, 66.5573770491803, 67.0327868852459, 57.6010928961749, 43.7158469945355, 57.224043715847, 65.1366120218579, 49.2131147540984, 30.7158469945355, 34.3715846994535, 12.3661202185792, 27.4972677595628)
# Initial state conditions
y0 <- c(P=y.data[1,]$P, SSL=y.data[1,]$SSL, S=y.data[1,]$S)
# Initial free parameter values
a <- 0.00075
b <- 0.004464286
rs <- 0.01
ks <- 100
p0 <- c(a=a,b=b,rs=rs,ks=ks)
# Series along which to integrate
t <- 0:18
l <- length(t)
# Differential equation model
LVfn_dc <- function(time, y, param) {
P = y[1]
SSL = y[2]
S = y[3]
with(as.list(param), {
dPdt <- ((-0.4101*4)*time^3) + ((18.058*3)*time^2) - ((297.9*2)*time) + 1511.2
dSSLdt <- ((7.2468*2)*time) + 265.67
dSdt <- (rs*S)*((ks-S-(a*P)-(b*SSL))/ks)
# Function to solve differential equation
sde <- function(param, time, f, y) {
sol <- deSolve::ode(y = y,
times = time,
func = f,
parms = param,
method = "lsoda", # lsoda is more stable and faster than rk4
rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-6)
# Least squares function for optimization using FME::modFit
LS_modFit <- function(param, time, falala, y, y.values){
call.sde <- sde(param, time, falala, y)
## important! choose appropriate weighting method,
## depending on scale of variables
## options: one of "none", "std", "mean"
modCost(call.sde, y.values, weight="std")
# Optimizing with limited lower bounds
fit <- FME::modFit(f = LS_modFit, p = p0,
time=t, falala=LVfn_dc, y=y0, y.values=y.data,
## infinite "constraints" work only
## for a subset of solvers, e.g. Port and bobyqa
upper=c(Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf), lower=c(0,0,-Inf,1),
## workaround for the other optimizers
## recommended: don't make limits too big
#upper=c(1e6,1e6,1e6,1e6), lower=c(0,0,-1e6,1),
method = "Port")
guess <- sde(p0, t, LVfn_dc, y0)
fitted <- sde(fit$par, t, LVfn_dc, y0)
plot(guess, fitted, obs=y.data, mfrow=c(1, 3))
legend("bottomleft", col=1:2, lty=1:2, legend=c("guess", "fitted"))
Created on 2023-04-01 with reprex v2.0.2