According to this post, I'v try to do a record with a private part. What I've done : :
package MyPackage is
type T_MyType is tagged private;
type T_MyType_Private_Part;
type T_MyType_Private_Part_Access is access T_MyType_Pirvate_Part;
type T_MyType is tagged record
Toto : Boolean;
end record
end MyPackage;
MyFile.adb :
package body MyPackage is
type T_MyType_Private_Part is record
Private_Toto : Boolean;
end record
end MyPackage;
But when an other package do MyVar.Toto
where MyVar
is T_MyType
I have the error :
no selector "Toto" for type "T_MyType" defined at
How can I fix this ?
It is very simple to produce a record with a private part using Ada.
The following example declares a base tagged type with a public member. It then creates a child package which extends the tagged type with private members. The type declared in the child package has both a public and private data members.
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
package base_type is
type base is tagged record
Name : Unbounded_String;
end record;
end base_type;
The package named base_type declares a tagged record with a public member. The
package base_type.person is
type gender is (male, female);
type weights is new Float range 0.0 .. 500.0;
type person_type is new base with private;
procedure set_gender (P : in out person_type; G : in gender);
procedure set_weight (P : in out person_type; W : in weights);
procedure Print (P : person_type);
type person_type is new base with record
G : gender;
W : weights;
end record;
end base_type.person;
The body of base_type.person is
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
package body base_type.person is
-- set_gender --
procedure set_gender (P : in out person_type; G : in gender) is
P.G := G;
end set_gender;
-- set_weight --
procedure set_weight (P : in out person_type; W : in weights) is
P.W := W;
end set_weight;
-- Print --
procedure Print (P : person_type) is
package w_io is new Float_IO(weights);
use w_io;
Put_Line ("Gender: " & P.G'Image);
Put("Weight: ");
Put(Item => P.W, Fore => 1, aft => 1, Exp => 0);
end Print;
end base_type.person;
A should be expected, the private data members may only be accessed through procedures and functions.
A main procedure creating a program example is
with base_type.person; use base_type.person;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
procedure Main is
P1 : person_type;
P2 : person_type;
P1.set_gender (Male);
P1.set_weight (165.2);
P1.Name := To_Unbounded_String ("Barney Rubble");
P2.Name := To_Unbounded_String ("Betty Rubble");
P2.set_gender (female);
P2.set_weight (110.5);
Print (P1);
Print (P2);
end Main;
The output of this program is:
Barney Rubble
Gender: MALE
Weight: 165.2
Betty Rubble
Gender: FEMALE
Weight: 110.5