
REST API url and parameter naming with in Spring Boot?

For Spring Boot projects, I have seen some different usages and want to clarify the following points.

1- As far as I know, the following usage in the url with kebab-case is better than camelCase. Is it true?


2- On the other hand, if we use parameter, then I think it is better to us camelCase in the url as shown below (attention that I use camelCase only for parameters, the rest (security-check) is kebab-case). Is this a proper usage?

public ResponseEntity<List<Customer>> getCustomerByDepartmentIdAndJobId(
                                          @PathVariable int customerId,
                                          @PathVariable int jobId
) {


On the other hand, there are some cases when both parameter are the same type e.g. getById() and getByReferenceNumber(). In this case the following url mappings cannot be used:




In this case, is it a good practice to add an extra parameter ('references') to reference one as shown below:


What would you suggest?


  • Your point regarding casing is completely valid and it goes well with how APIs are written generally.

    We have a great article that will help you get started with what are the best practices for REST apis:

    At the end regarding your end use case of endpoint:


    This is really subjective and will depend on your use case. For instance, adding "references" will also depend on your class-level requestmapping string which speaks about what is the domain of the controller class.

    Suppose I have Controller specifically written for Reference I can go like:

    class ReferenceController {
    ... getReferenceById (@PathVariable int id) {}

    Hope this clarifies the point and helps. Thanks.