
How to display my chart from highcharter package correctly in my blogdown site? website available

I have a website that I created using the R package blogdown, which in turn is built on the Hugo framework. This website allows me to post R markdown files. The issue is the following: I need the interactive graph I created in R using the highcharter package to be displayed in my post. When I execute the R markdown file, it is displayed normally, but when I ask blogdown to serve the site at localhost:1234, the space where the graph should be displayed is blank. However, I asked blogdown to build the folder with the corresponding files, and when I check those folders, I see that the javascript files and others are created so that the highchart interactive graph can be displayed correctly. I uploaded it to the server, and checking in the developer option, I can see the errors that the javascript throws, which you can find at

and the blank space corresponds to where the interactive graph should be. I have tried creating the interactive graph separately, exporting it, and then including it in the R markdown file, but it didn't work. Also, after blogdown serves the site and builds my website with files and folders, I went to the root html file and added , but it didn't work either. I appreciate any comments or suggestions that can help me render the highcharter package graph correctly.


  • This is the solution:

    title: Km
    author: DA
    date: '2023-04-02'
    slug: []
    draft: no 
      - R
      - R Markdown
    description: This is meta description
    image: images/portfolio/item1.jpg
    datos <- read_csv("fuel2.csv")
    modelo <- lm(consumed ~ 0 + km, data = datos)
    # Extraer los coeficientes del modelo de regresión lineal
    pendiente <- coef(modelo)[1]
    # Crear una función para calcular el valor ajustado de 'consumed' basado en 'km'
    # Función para calcular el valor ajustado de 'consumed' basado en 'km'
    ajuste_consumo <- function(km) {
      return(pendiente * km)
    # Crear una función para calcular el valor ajustado de 'consumed' basado en 'km', con intervalo de confianza del 95%
    ajuste_consumo_con_intervalo <- function(km) {
      predicciones <- predict(modelo, newdata = data.frame(km = km), interval = "confidence")
      paste(round(predicciones[1], 2), " [", round(predicciones[2], 2), ", ", round(predicciones[3], 2), "]")
    # Crear el gráfico interactivo
    grafico_interactivo <- highchart() %>%
      hc_title(text = "Regresión Lineal: Consumo de Combustible vs. Kilómetros") %>%
      hc_subtitle(text = paste("Consumed = ", round(pendiente, 4), " * km")) %>%
      hc_xAxis(title = list(text = "Kilómetros")) %>%
      hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Consumo de Combustible (L)")) %>%
      hc_add_series(data = datos, type = "scatter", hcaes(x = km, y = consumed),
                    name = "Datos Observados") %>%
      hc_add_series(data = data.frame(km = datos$km, consumed = ajuste_consumo(datos$km)),
                    type = "line", hcaes(x = km, y = consumed),
                    name = "Ajuste de Regresión Lineal")