
BI-Publisher RTF Template: Repeat colums or rows horizontally first before new page

I have a table that's 2x2. First row is just the header. The second row is pulling info from DB. The first column is For-each loop and getting Account number The second column is getting Balance for that account then ending for-each

There are so many account that it goes for many many pages. I want the 2 columns to repeat to the right when it reaches the end of the page. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do. example

Also the xml structure looks like this.

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'utf-8'?>


If this is not possible, is there a way to make them go horizontal first, like in the picture belew: second example

And if that's not possible, is there a way to do it like the following picture but having the secpnd FE_Acct shows the next-in-line Account number and same with balance, and so on. third example

I have tried the tag and it listed all account numbers in the same cell... inlines issue

I tried to use for account, and for Balance, but they never worked.

Any input is very appreciated since it seems I've hit a wall.


  • Did you try to use multiple Layout-Columns feature of MS Word. Managed to get it with steps as described in the picture. Added a few more rows to your xml and made data row bigger to test if columns feature works and it seems it does.
    enter image description here

    1. repeating for-each LIST_G_1
    2. ctrl+A (select all) - Layout - Columns - two (or more)
    3. split for-each start and END and draw a table 2x2 in between - put labels and make the 1st row to be repeat as header
    4. repeating for-each G_1 in the second row
    5. insert fields and define the row height (if needed) to fit your page size
    6. run as PDF - you should get something like in the picture