I am doing navigation stack for the array of related entries
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $navPath){
VStack {
List(Array(plant.event as! Set<Event>), id: \.self) { eventInList in
NavigationLink(destination: EventPageView(event: eventInList)) {
EventCardRowView(event: eventInList)
}.navigationDestination(for: Event.self) { event in
EventPageView(event: event)
And this one doesn't work - all events are pushed to navigation stack at once - if i click on one event i just fall to the chain of all events consiquently.
Although it works perfectly correct, when i do it now with related entity, but as separetly fetched array:
NavigationStack(path: $navPath){
VStack {
List(events, id: \.date) { eventInList in
NavigationLink(destination: EventPageView(event: eventInList)) {
EventCardRowView(event: eventInList)
}.navigationDestination(for: Event.self) { event in
EventPageView(event: event)
What's wrong, what is correct way to do that with relationship entry one-to-many?
EDIT: my qestion is different from CoreData one-to-many relationship. Problem with NSSet attribution
I dont have problem to fetch and view the list - i fetch related enries array and list it fine, but click on list item doesnt work correctly - whole array is pushed on stack at once - that means if i click on event 3 back button will bring me to event 2 , then 1
When Navigation stack is included or includes Form, Form triggers all array entries to be send on NavigationStack. So solution is just using them separetly