I'm trying to do a SINGLE query in an AWS DynamoDB giving for multiple values and the scenario is something like that. I want to query by giving a list of values. If the value exists in db(at a specific key, let's say 'mandatoryField'), then give me that value, this means at the end of filtering, I want get back only the values that were existing from my array input.
So, for these items in my db:
column: mandatoryField
1. value1
2. value2
3. value3
4. value4
And giving in my query command an array of ["value2", "value3334", "value7", "value1"]
, I want to receive back just the values that exists: ["value2", "value1"]
Tried this query in aws-cli, both with IN and CONTAINS func
aws dynamodb query \
--table-name testTable \
--key-condition-expression '#mandatoryField IN :values' \
--expression-attribute-names '{ "#mandatoryField": "mandatoryField" }' \
--expression-attribute-values '{
":values": { "SS": ["value2", "value3334", "value7", "value1"]}
but received as I expected An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the Query operation: Invalid operator used in KeyConditionExpression: IN
Hope this is enough descriptive to achieve my goal by giving a QUERY
Use statement
with WHERE mandatoryField IN
using the AWS DynamoDB execute-statement
command as follows:
aws dynamodb execute-statement \
--statement 'SELECT * FROM testTable WHERE mandatoryField IN
["value2", "value3334", "value7", "value1"]'
Use --filter-expression
instead of --key-condition-expression
using the AWS DynamoDB scan
command as follows:
aws dynamodb scan \
--table-name testTable \
--filter-expression 'contains(:values, mandatoryField)' \
--expression-attribute-values '{
":values": { "SS": ["value2", "value3334", "value7", "value1"]}
}' \
--projection-expression 'mandatoryField'