I've uploaded my font to mapbox studio. The font has a couple of glyphs added in normally unused uncode ranges. It all worked (works) perfectly in Mapbox GL JS.
Then the requirements have changed, so I changed and re-uploaded the font.
Nothing seem to work, I'm out of ideas.
The simplified map implementation:
// Map initialization
const map = new Map({
accessToken: *********,
container: 'mapboxMapContainer',
style: `${ mapboxConfig.styleURL }`,
center: mapboxConfig.initialCenter,
zoom: mapboxConfig.initialZoom,
// Defining the glyphs
const UIGlyph = {
hub: String.fromCharCode(10296),
hubBackdrop: String.fromCharCode(10298),
// Layer style configuration
const layerConfig = layout: {
'text-field': [
['literal', UIGlyph.hubBackdrop],
{ 'text-color': '#FFFFFF' },
['literal', UIGlyph.hub],
{ 'text-color': ['get', 'occupancyColor'] },
['get', 'occupancy'],
{ 'font-scale': 0.75 },
'text-font': ['PortalUI PortalUI'],
// Adding layer
source: sourceId
If anymore people want to close my question I'd like to point out that this tag - mapbox is officially recommended as a point of getting support for developers. I fail to see why my post fails to meet community standards. Please give some explanation at least and point me into the right direction.
Some time passed and I've checked again - the font seemed to be updated. I've started digging once more for cache and TTL and at last was able to find previously missed information:
Responses from the Fonts API set both the device and CDN TTLs to 10 days (source)
Can I invalidate the CDN cache?
No, the CDN cache for styles and tilesets cannot be invalidated (source)