
Write a function that returns every other element of the list

I want to write a function that can return every other element of the list like this ['a' ; 'b' ; 'c' ; 'd' ; 'e'] can return: ['a' ; 'c' ; 'e'] My function can use only with predefined functions List.hd, List.tl or List.length. I wrote this but I think something wrong...

remove_half l =
  let rec rm_half n l =
    if l = [] then []
      let fst = hd l in
      let rest = tl l in
      if n then fst :: (rm_half (not n) rest) 
      else (rm_half (not n) rest) 
  rm_half true l;;


  • As it is, your code is missing a let and you haven't shown that you've opened List. If we fix those little things by adding the let and fully qualifying List.hd and List.tl:

    # let remove_half l =
        let rec rm_half n l =
          if l = [] then []
            let fst = List.hd l in
            let rest = List.tl l in
            if n then fst :: rm_half (not n) rest
            else rm_half (not n) rest
        rm_half true l;;
    val remove_half : 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
    # remove_half [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6];;
    - : int list = [1; 3; 5]

    Bingo. It works.

    Now, this can be cleaned up using pattern-matching rather than List.hd and List.tl. The boolean is no longer necessary given that we can pattern match on the first two elements of a list with at least two elements.

    let rec remove_half =
      | x::_::xs -> x :: remove_half xs
      | lst -> lst 

    This technique can be applied using List.hd and List.tl.

    let rec remove_half lst =
      if lst = [] || List.tl lst = [] then lst
        let x = List.hd lst in
        let xs = List.tl (List.tl lst) in
        x :: remove_half xs