
Show tooltip in highchart progress bars

I have created a solid gauge chart using highcharts. It contains multiple circular progress bars where each circle denotes each value.

I used the below code to create the series with different colors.

 series: [{
  name: "Total",
  showInLegend: true,
  data: [{
    color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0],
    radius: "115%",
    innerRadius: "110%",
    y: 78,
    dataLabels: {
      format: "{y}%",
      borderWidth: 0,
      style: {
        fontSize: "15px"
  name: 'Amount',
  showInLegend: true,
  data: [{
    color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[2],
    radius: "105%",
    innerRadius: "100%",
    y: 25,
    dataLabels: {
      format: "{y}%",
      borderWidth: 0,
      style: {
        fontSize: "15px"

and background as grey to show the percentage graph properly

 background: [{
    backgroundColor: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.background2) || "#EEE",
    outerRadius: "115%",
    innerRadius: "110%",
    borderWidth: 0
    outerRadius: "105%",
    innerRadius: "100%",
    borderWidth: 0

Currently, the code was working fine and once I hover the progress bar it will show its progress percentage. But I need to show the same progress value if I hover the grey(background pane) area also. ie. Now it is only showing the area where it is covered. But I have to display that particular percentage anywhere I hover that circle. Even if the percentage is 0 I need to display the series name:0% in the tooltip.

Here is the full code and below is the sample of graph created.

enter image description here


  • The pane.background is not a series or a point, that is why the tooltip is not showing.

    You can achieve showing tooltip when pane mouseover, in more hacky way:

      chart: {
        type: 'solidgauge',
        events: {
          load() {
            let chart = this,
              panes = chart.pane[0].background,
              points = [chart.series[0].points[0], chart.series[1].points[0]];
            for (let i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) {
              panes[i].element.onmouseover = function() {
              panes[i].element.onmouseout = function() {


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