I have an angular application and use Workbox Service Worker(SW) for gaining PWA compatibility. My angular app has several lazy loaded bundles, which I except to load only when required. Everything works fine in development mode, as my SW is enabled only in production.
The problem is that, whenever I load my application the bundles which are supposed to load lazily also loads up. That's not preferred.
The workbox pre-caching config caches all js
files.I think this is the one causing problem. Here's the config, workbox-config.js
module.exports = {
globDirectory: 'dist/myapp/',
globPatterns: ['**/*.{css,scss,eot,html,ico,jpg,jpeg,js,json,png,svg,ttf,txt,webmanifest,woff,woff2,webm,xml}'],
globFollow: true,
globStrict: true,
globIgnores: [
dontCacheBustURLsMatching: new RegExp('.+.[a-f0-9]{20}..+'),
maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 4 * 1024 * 1024,
swSrc: 'dist/myapp/service-worker.js',
swDest: 'dist/myapp/service-worker.js'
Then I inject it to my SW after production build using this
workbox injectManifest ./src/sw/workbox-config.js
To give you a better idea here is the network snapshot on first load.
The bundles {6,7,8,9}-es2015.*.js
are expected to be lazily loaded. But I think due to my Workbox config, it loads on start-up itself. I don't want this happening as the total download size on initial load overshoots to an unacceptable amount.
So, the solution that I came up with was to use runtime caching instead, by doing like this in SW file.
const appChunksMatcher = ({ url, request, event }) => {
const href: string = url.href;
const start = href.lastIndexOf('.') + 1;
const end = href.length - 1;
const isJSFile = href.substring(start, end) === 'js';
return ~href.indexOf('-es2015.') || isJSFile;
new CacheFirst({
cacheName: 'app-chunks'
But, I am not sure this is the right way. I tried adding a regular expression check in my workbox config globIgnores
array, to exclude hashed chunks except main-es2015
globIgnores: [
// This is to exclude precaching of lazy loaded angular chunks
// They are of format 5-es2015.sbcd123e34fd.js
But that didn't work too. That's why I went to the run time caching option. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or provide me with a better solution. Certainly, I don't want to laod my lazy-loaded modules on startup.
Using this glob pattern worked for me. Final result is given below.
globIgnores: [
// This is to exclude precaching of lazy loaded angular chunks
// They are of format 5-es2015.sbcd123e34fd.js