I am trying to calculate the shortest distance between a point of interest and the nearest tram station, the coordinates are in latitude and longitude (degrees) as a POINT type object. To do this I create an empty vector (distance) which I add to my dataframe containing the spatial point data and then fill the distance column using a for-loop which calculates the distance between my previously defined point of interest and all the coordinates in the dataframe using the distm()
function with the distGeo function. Then I use the min()
function on the distance column to find the shortest distance.
The problem I am having is not that the code is not doing what I want it to do, but that when I use the right click measure distance function in Google Maps, their distance is up to 30% shorter than the one my code outputs. All the coordinates are in the right order, and when I type them into Google Maps, the correct points show up, but the calculated distance is still wrong.
For example, the POI is 49.49443499565662
, 8.459728292754358
and the nearest tram station is at 49.49353
, 8.461322
. My code calculates a distance of 202.39m and Google Maps calculates a distance of 152.66m
Does anyone know why this might be happening?
Keep in mind that I am not very experienced with R or OpenStreetMap.
Here's my code:
#define city
city = "Mannheim"
#define coordinates of interest point
p68 = c(49.49443499565662, 8.459728292754358)
#query for tram routes in Mannheim
mannheim_tram_routes <- getbb(city) %>%
opq() %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'route', value = 'tram')
#translating the query into sp format
mtr <- osmdata_sf(mannheim_tram_routes)
#creating vector
#creating a dataframe from the sp format
mtrdf <- data.frame(mtr$osm_points)
#adding the distance vector to the dataframe
mtrdf$distances = distances
#selecting only the relevant columns for the dataframe
mtrdf <- mtrdf %>%
#deleting all rows with with no names (only the stations are left from the tram route data)
mtrdf2 <- na.omit(mtrdf)
#filling the distance column with a for-loop using distm()
for(i in 1:length(mtrdf2$distances)){
mtrdf2$distances[i] =distm(p68, c(mtrdf2$geometry[[i]][2],mtrdf2$geometry[[i]][1]),fun =distGeo)
#checking for the smallest distance
The order of the arguments matters, and geosphere::
functions prefer longitude first. I'm inferring that your tram is 49.49353 north latitude, 8.461322 east longitude.
If I (incorrectly) calculate it with latitude first, I get your 202 results:
geosphere::distGeo(c(49.49443499565662, 8.459728292754358), c(49.49353, 8.461322))
# [1] 202.4823
But if I put longitude first instead, I get closer to Google's results:
geosphere::distGeo(c(8.459728292754358, 49.49443499565662), c(8.461322, 49.49353))
# [1] 153.1708