
RegEx to split camelCase or TitleCase (advanced)

I found a brilliant RegEx to extract the part of a camelCase or TitleCase expression.


It works as expected:

For example with Java:

String s = "loremIpsum";
words = s.split("(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])");
//words equals words = new String[]{"lorem","Ipsum"}

My problem is that it does not work in some cases:

To my mind, the result shoud be:

In other words, given n uppercase chars:

Any idea on how to improve this regex?


  • The following regex works for all of the above examples:

    public static void main(String[] args)
        for (String w : "camelValue".split("(?<!(^|[A-Z]))(?=[A-Z])|(?<!^)(?=[A-Z][a-z])")) {

    It works by forcing the negative lookbehind to not only ignore matches at the start of the string, but to also ignore matches where a capital letter is preceded by another capital letter. This handles cases like "VALUE".

    The first part of the regex on its own fails on "eclipseRCPExt" by failing to split between "RPC" and "Ext". This is the purpose of the second clause: (?<!^)(?=[A-Z][a-z]. This clause allows a split before every capital letter that is followed by a lowercase letter, except at the start of the string.