How to continuously test for the connection of a Game Controller?
Stepping back from code just for a moment ...
What do I want to do?
1) upon initial start up of app, I want to wait for a gamepadconnected Event.
2) Once I get this Event by turning on my Game Controller, I immediately change a SKSpriteNode's color and then start looking for:
a) button presses on the gamepad and
b) a gamepaddisconnected Event
3) So while I am executing code based on 2(a), I receive 2(b) when I turn off my Game Controller. I immediately change the above color to something different, followed by looking for another gamepadconnected Event.
I have tried using Apple's very own NotificationCenter
Code which works except for a significant omission, namely, their Code never triggers a gamepaddisconnected Event as determined by my placement of multiple print
== start what I have done so far ==
I now call Apple's very own ObserveForGameControllers() within my GameViewController's viewDidLoad().
My Nimbus+ Game Controller is set to off.
I initially Run my Project, Apple's Code consistently shows "CONNECTED".
Furthermore, Apple states that their two NotificationCenter.default.addObserver() @objc funcs are continuously called.
Here's Apple's code:
func ObserveForGameControllers() {
selector: #selector(connectControllers),
name: NSNotification.Name.GCControllerDidConnect,
object: nil) // means <Any> Object can send Message
selector: #selector(disconnectControllers),
name: NSNotification.Name.GCControllerDidDisconnect,
object: nil)
} // ObserveForGameControllers
Apple's connectControllers
selector starts the action by waiting for the user to press a Button before doing anything else.
If a Button is pressed then code is executed, e.g., moving a Game Piece in a specific direction.
Now, if for any reason, I disconnect the Game Controller while the Game is running, e.g., via pressing its Home
Button, I want to call my stopGame()
to do certain things, like changing colors as specified above. This call to stopGame()
is placed in my disconnectControllers
But, it's never called!
I should be able to toggle my Nimbus+ off and on while playing ...
Since Apple states that these two addObserver() @objc funcs are cotinuously called. I deliberately have print statements in each @objc.
With this toggling is going on, there should be a whole slew of print statements that toggle between "connected" and "dis-connected".
Never happens!!
== end what I have done so far ==
Clearly, I am open to use alternatives to Apple's NotificationCenter code.
Nevertheless, I really would prefer to stick with the latter.
I just wish I knew how to correctly implement it.
Note: some have blamed the Xcode Simulator because it is obviously not a real device.
Well, I have installed my App on my Apple TV and the same challenges persist.
1st and foremost, I want to sing the praises of Keith at Apple DTS without whom I could never have chased down the cause of my problem. His assistance on this one issue totally pays for my $99.
A significant part of the solution rests with the just released update of Xcode to 14.3 and tvOS to 16.4
Now the expected CONNECTED and DIS-CONNECTED Console messages appear as anticipated.
I've got some more work to do, but at least Apple's
works as Apple advertises.