I'm using drools api to define a rule like this:
PackageDescr pkg = DescrFactory.newPackage()
.pattern("Student").id( "$stu", false ).constraint("name==miko").constraint("age > 6").end()
Finnally it will transfer into drl file like:
$stu: Studeng(name == miko, age > 6)
not Bar(a + b == c)
My question is if I wanna to get the '$stu' variable defined befor and to add some more constaints, like:
$stu(grade != 2)
how can I get it and reuse it?
To add an additional constraint to Student, just chain it after the constraints you already have.
.id( "$stu", false )
.constraint("name == \"miko\"")
.constraint("age > 6")
.constraint("grade != 2 ")
Which would generate:
$stu: Student( name == "miko", age > 6, grade != 2)
(I'm presuming that's what you're trying to do, because $stu( grade != 2 )
is not valid syntax.)
This rule would identify any students with the name "miko" (note this is case sensitive!), have an age greater than 6, and a grade not equal to 2.