
Telosys not picking up schema from mySql DB using Xampp

I'm attempting to use Telosys to extract entities, but Telosys is unable to recognize the schema from the locally hosted Mysql database using Xampp.


Tried : Changing URl from jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306 to jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test however I still get the error message "no schema"


  • I suppose that "schema" notion doesn't exist in MySQL (because there's also no "schema" with MariaDB, only "catalog").

    "No schema" is not an error message (just an information). And it's not a problem as your goal is to retrieve the tables with all the colums ("Get schema" and "Get catalog" are just here to determine what is supported by the database: schema or catalog or both)

    With MariaDB I get only the list of "catalogs" and "no schema" (like you)

    So, for MySQL I suggest to use only the "catalog" name

    Try to configure the "Meta-data" like this :

    And try "Get tables", "Get columns", etc
    It should work.
    And if you use "!" for both schema and catalog you will get all the tables located in all catalogs

    Note: the database name at the end of the JDBC URL has not effect (you can remove it)