
Kotlin Extension on a class without Companion object

I have a simple Kotlin class, that does not declare a companion object.

class Foo

I would love to create an extension for companion object, even if one is not specified. I do not want to create an empty companion object.

fun Foo.Companion.bar()



What is the difference between:

  1. Me adding an empty companion in Foo
  2. compiler adds an empty companion in Foo



  • I would love to create an extension for companion object, even if one is not specified.



    You can't. An extension, by definition, is something that extends ... something. You can't extend a non-existent entity. Remember that extension functions are basically static functions that take an instance of the extending object as the first parameter. So your example:

    fun Foo.Companion.bar()

    Would translate to:

    public static void bar(Foo.Companion objectBeingExtended) { }

    How is that supposed to work if Foo.Companion doesn't exist?