I am trying to get a .pbf file from a map server. (but the question expands to pdf, jpg or csv) I wanna obtain that .pbf file and return it in a GET request.
The file comes from a private server: http:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/geometrictiles/${source.layername}/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf
And want to return the exact same file to a get API in mi backend, like:
So to use my backend as a bridge between mi react app, and the geometrictiles server.
I generated and endpoint in my controller like:
` @Get('/geoserver')
async getGeoTiles(){
const data = await this.geomService.getPBF('layername',11,585,783);
// const file = createReadStream(join(stringdata, 'package.json'));
// return
// new StreamableFile(file);
return stringdata;
And in my service:
`async getPBF (layername, z, x, y){
// just using a json route in order to test any file
return this.httpService
//here should be this URL, but for testing reasons
map((res) => {
// console.log('res', res);
return res.data;
catchError(() => {
throw new ForbiddenException('API not available');
But this is not returning the file json, csv nor PBF as I need.
How is this is done?
To get file using HttpService you should inject response in getGeoTiles method and write result of HttpService GET method to it response. Also, you should write 'Content-Disposition' header to response object.
Here's example of this logic to retreive file from specific url:
export class AppController {
constructor(private readonly httpSerivce: HttpService) {}
async getGeoTiles(@Res() response: Response) {
const { data } = await firstValueFrom(
.get<ArrayBuffer>('https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice.json', {
// get the content as ArrayBuffer
responseType: 'arraybuffer',
catchError(() => {
throw new ForbiddenException('API not available');
// Here write filename instead of 'currentprice.json'
`attachment; filename=${encodeURI('currentprice.json')}`,
// write content to response object
// finalize