I am developing a microservice in springboot to generate pdf by using freeMarker and openHtmlToPdf libraries. I want to introduce custom font(tamil language). But in only getting #### as output. Not sure where I am going wrong.
Method converting html to pdf
private fun convertToPdf(htmlContent: String): ByteArrayResource {
val jsoupDocument = Jsoup.parse(htmlContent)
val xmlDocument = W3CDom().fromJsoup(jsoupDocument)
val FONT_FILE = File("resources/fonts/NotoSansTamil.ttf")
val byteArrayOutputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val baseUrl = javaClass
.withW3cDocument(xmlDocument, baseUrl)
.useFont(FONT_FILE, "Nota Sans")
return ByteArrayResource(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray())
Freemarker template
<#-- <meta charset="UTF-16">-->
@font-face {
font-family: 'Open Sans';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: url(./fonts/NotoSansTamil.ttf);
<h1> Welcome to FreeMarker ${name} </h1>
There are multiple different problems that code.
mismatchYou defined font as
.useFont(FONT_FILE, "Nota Sans") //font-family will be 'Nota Sans'
but in the hmtl frament using
@font-face {
font-family: 'Open Sans';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: url(./fonts/NotoSansTamil.ttf);
Just for the record this font called Noto instead of Nota.
Solution: Always use the same font family name in html fragment as defined in Kotlin code.
pathAs you defined the font is totally wrong.
I assume your project layout is like Maven / Gradle suggest.
In this case the resources
folder should be [project_root]/src/main/resources
val FONT_FILE = File("resources/fonts/NotoSansTamil.ttf")
If I'm right then the font should be at
but your FONT_FILE
will point to [project_root]/resources/fonts/NotoSansTamil.ttf
You build and pass baseUrl
to PdfRenderedBuilder
to resolve resources.
val baseUrl = javaClass
If your layout is Maven / Gradle like, then it points to [project_root]/target/classes/
. It will never work on the other machine and it won't work when you pakcage your code into an artifact.
val FONT_FILE = File("resources/fonts/NotoSansTamil.ttf")
This snippet specify a file on the file system, but you need a resource which is usually shipped with that artifact.
val fontUrl = object {}.javaClass
val fontFile = File(fontUrl)
You added a font both renderer .useFont(...)
and html / css side src: url(...);
It's a bad idea and won't work properly.
Solution: Choose only one way. Use either builder.useFont
or a @font-face
rule, not both. I suggest use builder.useFont
. In this case @font-face
definition and messy baseUrl
are no longer required.
Fixing all previously mentioned problems the following code will work.
NOTE: I have never written Kotlin code before, probably it could be made better, optimized, etc.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//OPENHTMLTOPDF//DOC XHTML Character Entities Only 1.0//EN" "">
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-16"/>
changed from @font-face
no src: passed, it will be resolved at renderer side
body {
font-family: noto-sans, sans-serif;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
<h1> Welcome to FreeMarker!</h1>
private const val html = """ ... """ // HTML content as Stirng
fun main() {
val outFile = createTempFile("sample_", ".pdf")
// using font as resource
val fontUrl = object {}.javaClass
.withHtmlContent(html, null) // baseUrl no longer passed
.useFont(File(fontUrl), "noto-sans") //matching font-family
println("PDF file created at: $outFile")