
Invoke-RestMethod (or Invoke-WebRequest) returning string rather than PS object or JSON

I'm relatively new to using Invoke-RestMethod /Invoke-WebRequest in general- I think that's important context for the below question.

I'm making a call like the below:

$Headers = @{
    "Authorization" = "Bearer {0}" -f ($token)

$APIUri = "https://myendpoint/information/blah"

$parameters = @{
    '$expand' = 'someparams'
    '$filter' = "moreparams"

$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $APIUri  -Method Get -Body $parameters

But when checking type of the returned object $result.GetType():

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType                                                                                                                                                                                              
-------- -------- ----                                     --------                                                                                                                                                                                              
True     True     String                                   System.Object

I end up with a string, rather than a PSObject or JSON. This means I can't leverage this data without doing some crazy string manipulation to get it into a format I can use.

Now, if I simply output the results to a CSV file like so, the data parses correctly:

Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $APIUri  -Method Get -Body $parameters -OutFile "mylocation.csv" 

I could push to a csv, then import it back via Import-CSV. But I'd rather avoid having to take that extra step since the data should be available already, and I have to make a lot of calls, which would return many files.

Any idea what might be going on here? I found a Reddit post that mentioned if the conversion from JSON or XML fails, it silently returns a string object. But not sure why that would be happening in this case.

EDIT: Almost immediately after posting this I'm realizing that the returned value has unexpected (crazy) characters prepended:


So I'm guessing that those characters are somehow killing the conversion (would also make sense while my other efforts to correct using ConvertTo-xxx and ConvertFrom-xxx were getting killed as well). But somehow using the -Outfile switch is overcoming those character results.

But I'm curious why those chars wouldn't also throw an issue for the Outfile switch?

I can remove those few characters via .Substring(), is there any easy way to convert this to an object at this point after having removed the characters?

I've built around this scenario using something like the below since there are at least newLines built in to the result:

$properResult = $result.RawContent.Split([Environment]::NewLine, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

foreach ($line in $properResult)
$lineObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Column1 = $line[0]
            Column2 = $line[1]
            Column3 = $line[2]

But it's kind of ugly. Any help would be appreciated.


  • [1] is the result of a mis-decoded UTF-8 BOM (Unicode signature):

    The upshot is:

    # ...
    # Note: Use Invoke-*WebRequest*
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Uri $APIUri  -Method Get -Body $parameters
    # Decode the raw result data as UTF-8 and skip the BOM with .Substring(1)
    # (A *decoded* BOM is a *single* Unicode character; if your response
    #  truly has *two* BOMs, use .Substring(2)
    $stringDecodedAsUtf8 =
    # Now you can parse the correctly decoded string data as CSV.
    $stringDecodedAsUtf8 | ConvertFrom-CsvData

    [1] If this sequence really appears twice at the start of your data, even with correct interpretation as BOM-prefixed UTF-8 you'd end up with a - normally invisible - U+FEFF) character(ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE) at the start of the decoded data.
    In fact, a BOM byte sequence is the encoding of that character in the encoding being indicated. That is, while it is a character in its own right, it also serves as the BOM, but only at the very start of the data.
    , specifically, is the result of the following mis-decoding of U+FEFF:
    [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1').GetString([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes([char] 0xFEFF))