
Java: Http request with different Host Header and destination

I need to make an HTTP request with specific Host header that may differ from destination address. What are my options?

Let's say we have these variables already defined.

String host = "";
String destination_address = "";
String http_version = "HTTP/2";
String http_method = "POST";
boolean follow_redirects = true;

Here is my code. Currently i am using Apache Http-Client-5, but i don't mind hearing any other suggestions.

H2AsyncClientBuilder builder_2 = HttpAsyncClients.customHttp2();

if (follow_redirects) {
    builder_2.setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy());

if (!(Objects.equals(destination_address, host))) {

CloseableHttpAsyncClient client = HttpAsyncClients.createDefault();
client =;

// Here i have long "case" statement for each Http method, i desided to not enclude it here. 
// Here is the version for post request.
http_request =
                        .setBody(request_body, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)

Future<SimpleHttpResponse> future = client.execute(http_request, null);
            SimpleHttpResponse http_response = future.get();


  • There's no requirement for Host header to match target URL, otherwise shared hosting would not work. But there's more - your host variable holds full URL string, while host name should be just what it says

    String host = "";
    String destination_address = "";

    Once that is corrected, create custom header and use it while building request:

    Header hostHeader = new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.HOST, host);
    http_request = + "/something")
                            .setBody(request_body, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)
                            .addHeader(hostHeader) // Add the custom 'Host' header

    I am using Apache HttpClient's BasicHeader class.