
Error while sending whatsapp message using pywhatkit

My Program should send whatsapp message using pywhatkit library by taking input from user by speech recognition.

This is the function that send message.

def WhatsApp():
    speak("For Whom should i send message")
    Contacts = {
        'mom' : 63XXXXXXX,   # these are numbers (hidden)
        'karthik' : 75XXXXXXx,
        'me' : 81XXXXXXX,
        'jayaram' : 99XXXXXXXX
    to = takeCommand() #takes my voice input using speech_recognition
    speak("what message should i send")
    msg = takeCommand()
    speak(f"sending message to {to}")
    except Exception as e:
        speak(f"error sending message")

When i say send whatsapp message to my Voice assistant it will ask me for whom to send and what msg it should send.

I used pywhatkit send whatsapp msg instantly function so that msg could send fastly but its just opening whatsapp web and returning back.

My Problem :


Please help me find a better way to do this sending message instantly through pywhatkit and to solve the error.


  • Try to use pyautoguit module. Add“enter”) after pwt.sendwhatmsg_instantly(f"+91{Contacts[to]}",msg,5,True,15)

    Also, there is can be issues if you use multiple displays.