
Capturing window Qt 6.5

Qt 6.5 introduced ScreenCapture class which should record a screen. Check an example

I've tried the following:

ApplicationWindow {
  id: root

  MouseArea {
    id: recording
    anchors.fill: parent
    property bool inProcess: false
    onClicked: {
      if (recording.inProcess) {
        screenCapture.active = recording.inProcess = false;
      } else {
        screenCapture.active = recording.inProcess = true;

  CaptureSession {
    id: captureSession
    screenCapture: ScreenCapture {
      id: screenCapture
      active: false
    recorder: MediaRecorder {
      id: recorder
      mediaFormat {
        fileFormat: MediaFormat.MPEG4
        videoCodec: MediaFormat.VideoCodec.H265
      outputLocation: "desired-name.mp4"
      quality: MediaRecorder.HighQuality

And thats work!

But then I wanted to capture a window, not a whole screen. Due to documentation, ScreenCapture has a window property to achieve that, but when I add window: root to it, I got an error: Cannot assign to non-existent property "window"

Is it bug in Qt 6.5 or I'm missing something?


  • I got it, Qt6.5.0 has removed it because of bugs.