Starting with graphql on laravel site on some tutorials
php artisan make:graphql:type UserType
ERROR There are no commands defined in the "make:graphql" namespace. Did you mean one of these?
⇂ make
In output of
php artisan
I have :
graphql-playground:download-assets Download the newest version of the GraphQLPlayground assets to serve them locally.
lighthouse:cache Compile the GraphQL schema and cache it.
lighthouse:clear-cache Clear the GraphQL schema cache.
lighthouse:directive Create a class for a custom schema directive.
lighthouse:field Create a resolver class for a field on a non-root type.
lighthouse:ide-helper Create IDE helper files to improve type checking and autocompletion.
lighthouse:interface Create a type resolver class for a GraphQL interface type.
lighthouse:mutation Create a resolver class for a single field on the root Mutation type.
lighthouse:print-schema Compile the GraphQL schema and print the result.
lighthouse:query Create a resolver class for a single field on the root Query type.
lighthouse:scalar Create a class for a GraphQL scalar type.
lighthouse:subscription Create a resolver class for a single field on the root Subscription type.
lighthouse:union Create a type resolver class for a GraphQL union type.
lighthouse:validate-schema Validate the GraphQL schema definition.
lighthouse:validator Create a validator class
and no any more GraphQL items...
Did I miss some packages in installation ?
And do I need to add some custom graphql types into my project ? lessongs/docs I found are contradicting. Typing “graphql:type” in I did not find anything. Is “graphql:type” some obsolete option ?
"laravel/framework": "^9.48.0",
"mll-lab/laravel-graphql-playground": "^2.6",
"nuwave/lighthouse": "^6.6",
There is no command to create graphql schema types with the laravel lighthouse.
In order to create a type, on the forder /graphql
create a schemaTypes.graphql
then write in it the types you want like:
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
email: String!
created_at: String!
updated_at: String
Later, under you can use the type for mutations or querys like:
type Query {
users: [User!]!
user(id: ID!): User
Check docs about the basic types of laravel Lighthouse.
ps: don't forget to #import
all schemas to the main schema.graphql