
How to login with different user credential while creating GCE instance using powershell startup script

I am trying following--> Creating GCE instance via gcloud cmds

This all needs to be done via Metadata scripts (Startup script powershell script)

I know we can directly run basic cmds without admninistrator user directly in metatdata script.

How to use script via metadata

Tried below

but not able to connect using those credentials

Any help appreciated!!


  • Here is what I did to achieved this :

    We can use GCP system preparation and startup script to achieve our goal.

    1. In main terraform create Unix VM

      • Use remote exec resource to run below Unix script mentioned in step 2 on that VM.
    2. Prepared Unix script which is doing all below steps.

      a. write code to setup following using gcloud

      • Use gcloud cmds to create DNS
      • Setup service account for VM
      • Enable managed AD API
      • Create Microsoft AD
      • Setup password to AD domain using gcloud

      b. System preparation script. (We are preparing this ps1 PowerShell script in above .sh script by using cat cmd)

      • Setup ps1 script to make local user as administator ([adsi]"WinNT).

        eg. $adminPassword = "Type Password here"  
            $adminUser = [ADSI] "WinNT://$computerName/Administrator"  
      • Disable consent prompt behavior via windows registry

           REGISTRY::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin -Value 0 -Force
      • Install ADFS and other nessesary tools.

      c. Startup script (PowerShell script)

      • Pass credentials in this script which we created in 2.a (Setup password to AD domain using gcloud) to add win VM to domain created earlier.

      • Enable CredSSP

      • login to window VM using above cred, you can refer PowerShell cmds mentioned below

        New-PSSession -ComputerName localhost -Credential \$credential_set -Authentication Credssp 
        Use Invoke-Command -Session \$remotesession -ScriptBlock{ }
      • You can write code to achieved your task as you are logged in to win VM as administrator.

      d. Once above two script done.

      • Write gcloud cmd to create win VM and pass above
        • 2.b System preparation script and
        • 2.c Startup script as metadata

    Ref link:--

    Note: You need to install all necessary tools to setup domain configuration in win VM. like ADFS tool etc.