
@composable invocations can only happen from the context of an @composable function for Composable with LaunchedEffect and AndroidViewBinding

I have a composable function

fun SomeComposeView(){
    AndroidViewBinding(SomefragactBinding::inflate) {
        val myFragment = fragmentContainerView.getFragment<SomeFragment>()

I want to call it only once so I am trying this in my Activity

binding.SomeComposeViewLayout.setContent {
             OwnTheme() {

I have a function inside the fragment like myFragment.somefunction() It gets called twice, I want to ensure its called only once so I am trying to use LaunchedEffect how can we call the function only once

However I am getting the error @composable invocations can only happen from the context of an @composable function


  • The LaunchedEffect error

    You can't call a composable inside a LaunchedEffect. According to documentation, LaunchedEffect is meant to run suspend functions in the scope of a composable but not to render a composable.

    To avoid your error you simply have to remove the LaunchedEffect an call your composable directly:

    binding.SomeComposeViewLayout.setContent {
                 OwnTheme() {

    AndroidViewBinding interop

    The AndroidViewBinding composable has 3 parameters :

    You placed the call of myFragment.somefunction()in the update block without any conditions so it will run at each recomposition.

    Solution 1: Using a state

    Create a boolean state that tells you if you need to call myFragment.somefunction()

    fun SomeComposeView(){
    var needToCallSomeFunction by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
    AndroidViewBinding(SomefragactBinding::inflate) {
            val myFragment = fragmentContainerView.getFragment<SomeFragment>()
        if(needToCallSomeFunction) {
            needToCallSomeFunction = false

    Solution 2: Call it in factory

    You could create the viewBinding in the factory and before returning it, using it to get your fragment and call your function :

            factory = { inflater, parent, attachToParent ->
                SomefragactBinding.inflate(inflater, parent, attachToParent).also {

    Because it is in the factory, it will just run once