In one of the pages of my application I've got tabs with one setup like so:
<igx-tab-header [routerLink]="['projectsor', libraryId]">
<span igxTabHeaderLabel>View Project SOR</span>
At the moment that tab will take take you to a new page, what I am trying to change however is to just have the data displayed underneath that tab but I am not sure how I can go about this. I am aware that using router-outlet would be my best bet but I'm not sure where I'm going wrong with this.
I have changed it to like so:
<span igxTabHeaderLabel>View Project SOR</span>
and in my routing file I have the following:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'detail', component: ProjectDetailComponent},
{ path: 'detail/:id', component: ProjectDetailComponent},
{ path: 'detail/:id/projectsor/:libraryId', component: LibraryDetailComponent,
children: [
{path: '', component: LibrarySetupComponent},
{path: 'disciplines', component: DisciplineListComponent},
{path: 'jointdisciplines', component: JointDisciplineListComponent},
{path: 'materials', component: MaterialListComponent},
{path: 'weights', component: WeightItemListComponent},
{path: 'schedules/:disciplineId', component: ScheduleListComponent},
{path: 'r6/:disciplineId/:scheduleId', component: R6ItemListComponent},
{path: 'r7/:disciplineId/:scheduleId', component: R7ItemListComponent},
{ path: '', component: ProjectListComponent }
The content I am wanting to show is from:
path: 'detail/:id/projectsor/:libraryId', component: LibraryDetailComponent,
how can I let the router-outlet know what I am wanting it to show?
Found out how to fix my error, was more sorting the paths rather than creating a secondary outlet. In my routing file I just had to update it like so:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'detail', component: ProjectDetailComponent},
{ path: 'detail/:id', component: ProjectDetailComponent,
children: [
{ path: 'projectsor/:libraryId', component: LibraryDetailComponent,
children: [
{path: '', component: LibrarySetupComponent},
{path: 'disciplines', component: DisciplineListComponent},
{path: 'jointdisciplines', component: JointDisciplineListComponent},
{path: 'materials', component: MaterialListComponent},
{path: 'weights', component: WeightItemListComponent},
{path: 'schedules/:disciplineId', component: ScheduleListComponent},
{path: 'r6/:disciplineId/:scheduleId', component: R6ItemListComponent},
{path: 'r7/:disciplineId/:scheduleId', component: R7ItemListComponent}
{ path: '', component: ProjectListComponent }
and then in the html do:
<igx-tab-item routerLinkActive #rlaSOR="routerLinkActive" [selected]="rlaSOR.isActive">
<igx-tab-header [routerLink]="['projectsor', libraryId]">
<span igxTabHeaderLabel>View Project SOR</span>