I have problem with asdf. I have already install nodejs latest.
asdf install nodejs latest
asdf local nodejs latest / asdf global nodejs latest
But if I try
No preset version installed for command yarn
Please install a version by running one of the following:
asdf install nodejs 18.0.0
or add one of the following versions in your config file at /Users/../project-name/.tool-versions
nodejs 14.17.0
nodejs 19.0.1
But my .tool-version in project structure already contains it:
nodejs 18.0.0
nodejs 19.0.1
(For my project I need nodejs >= 18) I am using apple M1 chip.
This happens when you have yarn installed under a different version of node, but not the active one. As yarn is a package under the node version, so you need to (re)install yarn with the new active version of node:
npm install -g yarn
Then it should work.