I have an example of an audio ad and a recording of a radio stream. I want to find out how many times this specific ad repeats in this stream. Tried to use audio fingerprinting and librosa library. But my command seems to run forever, I've already waited for 30 minutes and it is still running. Can you please say what is wrong with my code? How can I optimize it?
import numpy as np
import librosa
def count_repeats(ref_file, longer_file):
# Load the reference and longer audio signals
ref_audio, ref_sr = librosa.load(ref_file, sr=None, mono=True)
longer_audio, longer_sr = librosa.load(longer_file, sr=None, mono=True)
# Compute the cross-correlation between the reference and longer audio signals
corr = np.correlate(ref_audio, longer_audio, mode='full')
# Find the time lag that maximizes the cross-correlation
lag = np.argmax(corr) - len(ref_audio) + 1
# Compute the duration of the reference and longer audio signals
ref_duration = len(ref_audio) / ref_sr
longer_duration = len(longer_audio) / longer_sr
# Compute the number of repeats based on the time lag and the duration of the audio signals
repeats = int(np.floor((longer_duration - lag) / ref_duration))
return repeats
ref_file = 'house_ad.mp3'
longer_file = 'long_audio.mp3'
repeats = count_repeats(ref_file, longer_file)
print(f'Number of repeats: {repeats}')
The reason your function is very slow probably that cross correlation is a O(n**2) operation, and with audio sample-rates n is very large. With a 60 second and a 60 minute, it is an estimated 105*10e12 operations.
And while cross-correlation is conceptually a valid approach for comparing a signal against a template it is quite fragile - as even the tiniest change in the audio will throw it off.
A much more robust and also more computationally efficient approach is to do matching in another feature space. For audio a good starting point may be MFCC.
A basic but very effective method of signal matching is described in DiagonalMatching from the book Fundamentals of Music Processing Using Python and Jupyter Notebooks (FMP) by Meinard Müller.
Below follows complete code following this method. On your example, it manages to successfully identify the 3 locations of the provided clip at the correct locations.
NOTE: This approach assumes that the audio clip being queried for is very similar each time it appears. But if there is considerable variation in the clip, or it or occurs together with other sounds et.c, more advanced approaches will be needed.
The complete notebook can also be found here.
import math
import numpy
import pandas
import librosa
import seaborn
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
np = numpy # code from FMP uses this
def normalize_feature_sequence(X, norm='2', threshold=0.0001, v=None):
"""Normalizes the columns of a feature sequence
Notebook: C3/C3S1_FeatureNormalization.ipynb
X (np.ndarray): Feature sequence
norm (str): The norm to be applied. '1', '2', 'max' or 'z' (Default value = '2')
threshold (float): An threshold below which the vector ``v`` used instead of normalization
(Default value = 0.0001)
v (float): Used instead of normalization below ``threshold``. If None, uses unit vector for given norm
(Default value = None)
X_norm (np.ndarray): Normalized feature sequence
assert norm in ['1', '2', 'max', 'z']
K, N = X.shape
X_norm = np.zeros((K, N))
if norm == '2':
if v is None:
v = np.ones(K, dtype=np.float64) / np.sqrt(K)
for n in range(N):
s = np.sqrt(np.sum(X[:, n] ** 2))
if s > threshold:
X_norm[:, n] = X[:, n] / s
X_norm[:, n] = v
raise ValueError("Norm type not supported")
return X_norm
def compute_features(audio, sr, hop_length=512, n_mfcc=13, n_fft=None):
if n_fft is None:
n_fft = next_power_of_2(hop_length)
mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=audio, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length, n_mfcc=n_mfcc)
# Normalize using Euclidean norm - as the diagonal matching code expects it
mfcc = normalize_feature_sequence(mfcc)
return mfcc
def cost_matrix_dot(X, Y):
"""Computes cost matrix via dot product
Notebook: C7/C7S2_DiagonalMatching.ipynb
X (np.ndarray): First sequence (K x N matrix)
Y (np.ndarray): Second sequence (K x M matrix)
C (np.ndarray): Cost matrix
return 1 - np.dot(X.T, Y)
def matching_function_diag(C, cyclic=False):
"""Computes diagonal matching function
Notebook: C7/C7S2_DiagonalMatching.ipynb
C (np.ndarray): Cost matrix
cyclic (bool): If "True" then matching is done cyclically (Default value = False)
Delta (np.ndarray): Matching function
N, M = C.shape
assert N <= M, "N <= M is required"
Delta = C[0, :]
for n in range(1, N):
Delta = Delta + np.roll(C[n, :], -n)
Delta = Delta / N
if cyclic is False:
Delta[M-N+1:M] = np.inf
return Delta
def mininma_from_matching_function(Delta, rho=2, tau=0.2, num=None):
"""Derives local minima positions of matching function in an iterative fashion
Notebook: C7/C7S2_DiagonalMatching.ipynb
Delta (np.ndarray): Matching function
rho (int): Parameter to exclude neighborhood of a matching position for subsequent matches (Default value = 2)
tau (float): Threshold for maximum Delta value allowed for matches (Default value = 0.2)
num (int): Maximum number of matches (Default value = None)
pos (np.ndarray): Array of local minima
Delta_tmp = numpy.array(Delta).copy()
M = len(Delta)
pos = []
num_pos = 0
rho = int(rho)
if num is None:
num = M
while num_pos < num and np.sum(Delta_tmp < tau) > 0:
m = np.argmin(Delta_tmp)
#print('argmin', m, Delta_tmp[int(m)])
num_pos += 1
# exclude this region from candidate minimums
s = max(0, m - rho)
e = min(m + rho, M)
#print(s, e)
Delta_tmp[s:e] = np.inf
pos = np.array(pos).astype(int)
return pos
def next_power_of_2(x):
return 2**(math.ceil(math.log(x, 2)))
def plot_results(scores, threshold=None, events=None):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(30, 5))
ax.plot(scores.reset_index()['time'], scores['distance'])
if threshold is not None:
ax.axhline(threshold, ls='--', alpha=0.5, color='black')
if events is not None:
for idx, e in events.iterrows():
ax.axvspan(e['start'], e['end'], color='green', alpha=0.5)
import matplotlib.ticker
x_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(ticker_format_minutes_seconds)
ax.grid(axis='x', which='minor')
return fig
def ticker_format_minutes_seconds(x, pos):
hours = int(x//3600)
minutes = int((x%3600)//60)
seconds = int(x%60)
return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(hours, minutes, seconds)
def find_audio(long, short, sr=16000, time_resolution=0.500, max_matches=10, score_threshold=0.1):
# distance between frames in feature representation [seconds]
hop_length = int(time_resolution*samplerate)
# compute features for the audio
query = compute_features(short, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length)
clip = compute_features(long, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length)
# Compute cost matrix and matching function
C = cost_matrix_dot(query, clip)
Delta = matching_function_diag(C)
scores = pandas.DataFrame({
'time': librosa.times_like(Delta, hop_length=hop_length, sr=samplerate),
'distance': Delta,
# convert to discrete
match_idx = mininma_from_matching_function(scores['distance'].values,
num=max_matches, rho=query.shape[1], tau=score_threshold)
matches = scores.reset_index().loc[match_idx]
matches = matches.rename(columns={'time': 'start'})
matches['end'] = matches['start'] + (query.shape[1] * time_resolution)
matches = matches.reset_index()
return scores, matches
Here is how to use it
# configuration
samplerate = 16000
threshold = 0.02
max_matches = 3
short, sr = librosa.load('house_ad.m4a', sr=samplerate)
long, sr = librosa.load('long_audio.m4a', sr=samplerate)
scores, matches = find_audio(long, short, max_matches=max_matches, score_threshold=threshold)
# print results
for idx, m in matches.iterrows():
td = pandas.Timedelta(m['start'], unit='s').round('1s').to_pytimedelta()
print(f'match {idx}: {td}')
# visualize results
fig = plot_results(scores, events=matches, threshold=threshold)
It should output
match 0: 0:38:26
match 1: 0:03:47
match 2: 0:51:35