I try to access nested json in the Kusto query via KQL. But I realized that assignedTo and AssignedTo2 are empty.How can I get sub value in nested json via KQL ?
this is my Kusto query :
| extend prop= parse_json(customDimensions.data)
| extend AssignedTo = prop.xxx
| extend AssignedTo2=customDimensions["data"]["xxx"]
| where customDimensions['source']=="xxxx"
| project AssignedTo , AssignedTo2
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
ut I realized that assignedTo and AssignedTo2 are empty.
I want Fullname in customDimensions :
I have reproduced in my environment and got expected results as below:
Then used the below query(modified your code):
| extend prop= parse_json(customDimensions)
| extend AssignedTo = prop.FullName
| project AssignedTo