I would like to define an ellipse in tikz which is included in a rectangle.
The tricky part is that I want that my drawing is automatically drawn from the variables of the top-left and bottom-right coordinates of the rectangle.
I can compute the center of the ellipse from the rectangle coordinate, but I fail to compute automatically the expected semi-major axis and semi-minor axis which are needed for the ellipse command.
Basically, I would like to compute (\xb-\xa)/2 and (\yb-\ya)/2
Do you have any idea ?
Thanks a lot :)
What I've done so far :
% Top-left point coordinates
% Bottom-right point coordinates
\coordinate (A) at (\xa, \ya);
\coordinate (B) at (\xb, \yb);
\coordinate (C) at ($ 0.5*(A)+0.5*(B) $); % Center of the ellipse
\draw[thick, dashed] (A) rectangle (B);
%\draw[ultra thick] (C) ellipse ( ??? and ??? );
As you already noted, the semiaxes' lengths correspond to the halved sides of the rectangle. Down below you can find the code solving the problem.
% Top-left point coordinates
% Bottom-right point coordinates
% Compute the semiaxes
\coordinate (A) at (\xa, \ya);
\coordinate (B) at (\xb, \yb);
\coordinate (C) at ($ 0.5*(A)+0.5*(B) $); % Center of the ellipse
\draw[thick, dashed] (A) rectangle (B);
% Beware to put the length in curly brackets
\draw[ultra thick] (C) ellipse ( {\a} and {\b} );