I have the following code as example:
colors = ["blue","blue","orange","blue"]
textures = ["","","x",""]
myfig = go.Figure()
Which produces the following figure:
I want the legend to show two names:
I cannot add more traces to the plot, the point is to do it in the same unique trace.
I think plotly express
would work well here. You will need to use color_discrete_map
in addition to color
because plotly will not interpret your list of colors as colors, but as unique strings (and assign its own default colors to each unique string regardless of the string itself). So what we will do is create a list of names (for the legend) to pass to the color parameter, and then map each name to the actual color using color_discrete_map
Similarly, you'll want to provide an argument for pattern_shape_sequence
in addition to pattern_shape
because pattern_shape_sequence will be what plotly uses to assign the actual textures.
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
names = ["any","any","max","any"]
colors = ["blue","blue","orange","blue"]
color_discrete_map = {n:c for n,c in zip(names, colors)}
textures = ["","","x",""]
textures_sequence = np.unique(textures).tolist() # ['', 'x']
myfig = px.bar(x=x, y=y, color=names, color_discrete_map=color_discrete_map, pattern_shape=textures, pattern_shape_sequence=textures_sequence)