
What is the logic of the SPARQL CONSTRUCT LIMIT?

What is the logic of LIMIT when using CONSTRUCT queries in SPARQL?

When I use CONSTRUCT to query DBpedia, I find that the results sometimes don't match the LIMIT



  ?s a ?sType .
  ?s ?p ?o .
  ?o a ?oType .
  GRAPH <> {
    ?s a ?sType .
    ?s ?p ?o .
    ?o a ?oType .

When limit = 3, result is incorrect:

<>    <>   <> .
<>    <>   <> .
<>    <>   <> .
<>  <>   <> .

When limit = 10, result is incorrect:

<>   <>    <> .
<>   <>   <> .
<>    <>   <> .
<>  <>   <> .
<>  <>   <> .
<>  <>    <> .
<>    <>   <> .
<>    <>   <> .
<>  <>   <> .
<>    <>   <> .
<>   <>   <> .
<>    <>   <> .
<>  <>   <> .
<>    <>   <> .


  • The LIMIT clause applies to the WHERE clause.

    With LIMIT 3, you will get at most 3 results from the WHERE clause. The CONSTRUCT clause will then work with only these 3 results, and produce as many triples as requested in the template.

    Note that a result is not the same as a triple.


    The WHERE clause has these 3 results, thanks to your LIMIT 3:

    s o sType p oType
    dbr:Cabrini_Medical_Center dbo:building owl:Thing rdf:type rdf:Property
    dbr:Cabrini_Medical_Center dbo:building dbo:building rdf:type rdf:Property
    dbr:Cabrini_Medical_Center dbo:building geo:SpatialThing rdf:type rdf:Property

    These 3 results are derived from 4 triples:

    # ?s a ?sType . / ?s ?p ?o .
    dbr:Cabrini_Medical_Center rdf:type dbo:building .
    dbr:Cabrini_Medical_Center rdf:type owl:Thing .
    dbr:Cabrini_Medical_Center rdf:type geo:SpatialThing .
    # ?o a ?oType .
    dbo:building rdf:type rdf:Property .

    As your CONSTRUCT template is identical to the patterns in WHERE, these are also the produced triples.