The structure of the data in Stata looks something like this:
id club_id
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 3
7 3
8 3
9 3
I assume that the network corresponds to the club; hence the adjacency matrix (ordering the data by club) should be block diagonal. I have about 7000 observations. I am new to Mata. I tried to write many variations of the following code but it won't work:
sort id club_id
bys club_id: gen dim = _n //get the position of the component of the network
mkmat id, mat(id)
mkmat club_id, mat(club_id)
mkmat dim, mat(dim)
local nsubj = _N
group_id = st_matrix("id")
AID = st_matrix("club_id")
dim = st_matrix("dim")
adj = J(`nsubj',`nsubj',0)
for (i=1; i<=20; i++) { //iteration over each column
if (club_id[i] == club_id[i+1]) {
for (k=0, k<= dim[i]-1, k++) { // the number of columns to be filled
adj[i, i+k] = 1 // fill the upper part of the matrix
And I thought to reverse the order of dim to fill the lower part of the matrix. I tried many variations of the code and I don't understand what is wrong.
Here is an approach to create an adjacency matrix without Mata. Maybe that can get you started.
*Replicate data example
set obs 9
gen id = _n
expand 9
bysort id: gen club_id = _n
*Generate a variable with a value
gen wins = round(runiform()*10)
*Rename the future variable name
gen club = "club"
egen club_id2 = concat(club club_id )
drop club club_id
*Reshape data
reshape wide wins, i(id) j(club_id2) string