Suddenly i get an type error when using the InjectRepository decorator in NestJs. This error happens in every service.
private userRepository: UserRepository,
@InjectRepository(Workout) <--- Error
private workoutRepository: Repository<Workout>,
) {}
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "CommonJS",
"declaration": true,
"removeComments": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"target": "es2017",
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I get the following error: Unable to resolve signature of parameter decorator when called as an expression. Argument of type 'undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | symbol'.ts(1239)
I really don't know why this appears.
I've had this lint error raised using @Inject(forwardRef(() => Class))
It can be solved by updating @nestjs/common
to v9.3.0
Apparently, this was an issue introduced by TypeScript v5. "[it] introduces some tightening on decorator type-checking."1
How Inject
export declare const Inject:
(entity: Function) =>
(target: object, key: string | symbol, index?: number) => void;
export class Foo {}
export class C {
constructor(@Inject(Foo) x: any) {}
As you can see, Inject
requires a second argument that's either a symbol
or a string
NestJS v9.3.0 has this solved under this merged PR: Constructor parameter decorators should allow undefined as the type of key #10959