
How to integrate lite-youtube in tinymce?

I'm trying to integrate the well-known lite-youtube plugin for writing tinymce's rich text.

And I did not succeed in understanding how to integrate the plugin into the system of tinymce, I would appreciate it if someone could help me with this, thanks

This is my code:

selector: '#myTextarea',
plugins: 'anchor autolink charmap codesample emoticons image link lists media searchreplace table visualblocks wordcount image',
toolbar: 'undo redo | blocks fontfamily fontsize | bold italic underline strikethrough | link image media table | align lineheight | numlist bullist indent outdent | emoticons charmap | removeformat | image | media',
language: 'he_IL',
image_class_list: [{title: 'Full size', value: 'great_picture_of_the_article'}],
image_dimensions: false,
link_class_list: [{title: 'Formatted link', value: 'link_to_external_site'}],

Here are the codes I tried to attach:

  media_url_resolver: function (data, resolve) {
    if (data.url.indexOf('YOUR_SPECIAL_VIDEO_URL') !== -1) {
      var embedHtml = '<lite-youtube videoid=' + data.url +
      resolve({html: embedHtml});
    } else {
      resolve({html: ''});
video_template_callback: function(data) {
   return '<lite-youtube videoid="' + data.source1 + '"></lite-youtube>';


  • Please try to use it at your tinymce.init(). It's work for me.

            selector: '#myTextarea',
            plugins: 'anchor autolink charmap codesample emoticons image link lists media searchreplace table visualblocks wordcount image',
            toolbar: 'undo redo | blocks fontfamily fontsize | bold italic underline strikethrough | link image media table | align lineheight | numlist bullist indent outdent | emoticons charmap | removeformat | image | media',
            language: 'he_IL',
            image_class_list: [{title: 'Full size', value: 'great_picture_of_the_article'}],
            image_dimensions: false,
            extended_valid_elements: ['lite-youtube[videoid]'],
            link_class_list: [{title: 'Formatted link', value: 'link_to_external_site'}],

    And put video to your HTML like this

    <lite-youtube videoid="guJLfqTFfIw"></lite-youtube>

    Where videoid - ID of Youtube video (see youtube video URL).

    Or you can put video as usually, but before display text make preg_replace_callback in php, for example, (my choice) like this:

    <iframe src=""></iframe>

    preg_replace_callback and regular expression

            $description = preg_replace_callback(
                function($matches) {
                    $src = $matches[1];
                    if (strpos($src, '') !== false) {
                        return '<lite-youtube videoid="' . $src . '"></lite-youtube>';
                    return '';

    and on exit:

    <lite-youtube videoid="8E8MU11X0YI"></lite-youtube>

    This code need to paste in source code of TinyMCE

    I hope I helped you