
Multiton pattern in C++ failed with C2676 under MSVC Compiler

I am writing a mutiton pattern class in C++, but run into C2676 with MSVC compiler.

C2676 :
binary '<' : 'type*' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator.

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>

struct Person
    uint16_t height;  // in mm
    uint16_t weight;  // in kg

using PersonId    = std::uint16_t;
using PersonTable = std::map<PersonId, Person>;

PersonTable persons = {
    {1, { 1720, 70 }},
    {2, { 1800, 80 }},
    {3, { 1720, 70 }},
    {4, { 1900, 90 }},

// Body Mass Index
class BMI
    BMI(const Person& person)
        : m_Person(person)

    ~BMI() {}

    float calc()
        auto bmi = (m_Person.weight / 1000)
                 / ((m_Person.height / 1000) * (m_Person.height / 1000));
        std::cout << "this is : " << this << "\t"
                  << "BMI : " << bmi << std::endl;
        return bmi;

    Person m_Person;

class Multiton
    static std::shared_ptr<BMI> getInstance(const Person& person)
        // try to find key
        std::map<Person, std::shared_ptr<BMI>>::iterator iter
            = m_Instances.find(person);

        if (iter != m_Instances.end())  // if found
            return iter->second;
        else  // if not found
            auto ptrObj         = std::make_shared<BMI>(person);
            m_Instances[person] = ptrObj;
            return ptrObj;

    static std::map<Person, std::shared_ptr<BMI>> m_Instances;

// Initialization
std::map<Person, std::shared_ptr<BMI>> Multiton::m_Instances = {};

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    auto ptrBmi01 = Multiton::getInstance(persons[1]);

    auto ptrBmi02 = Multiton::getInstance(persons[2]);

    auto ptrBmi03 = Multiton::getInstance(persons[3]);

    auto ptrBmi04 = Multiton::getInstance(persons[4]);

    return 0;

I checked Microsoft Learn and some relevant stackoverflow page and some spend some time to debug it, but i still have no clue.

I just want to use multiton to create BMI object with BMI::BMI(const Person& person).

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


  • std::map is an ordered container. Therefore given std::map<Person, std::shared_ptr<BMI>> the compiler must know how to order Person.

    The error message you are seeing is because there is no operator< defined for Person and therefore the compiler does not know how to order the people in your map.

    The simple solution is to define a suitable

    bool operator<(const Person& x, const Person& y);