I'm using the OpenWeather API to get the sunset time for a specific city. The API returns the sunset time as a UNIX timestamp, and I want to convert this timestamp into the local time of the specific city using JavaScript.
"name": "Mountain View"
"sys": {
"type": 1,
"id": 5122,
"country": "US",
"sunrise": 1681565616,
"sunset": 1681612963
"timezone": -25200,
I've tried creating a new Date object using the sunset timestamp like this:
var sunsetTimestamp = 1681612963;
var sunsetDate = new Date(sunsetTimestamp * 1000);
However, this doesn't give me the correct local time of sunset.
You can add sunsetTimestamp to timezone before creating the date. The date it creates doesn't equal the UTC date of Mountain View at sunset, but it does output the timezone-adjusted value for the sunset.
var sunsetTimestamp = 1681612963;
var timezone = -25200;
var sunsetDate = new Date((sunsetTimestamp + timezone) * 1000);